To become a Super Donor, you must donate EITHER:
- Whole Blood four times in one year
- ALYX two times in one year
- Platelets four times in one year
- Plasma four times in one year
Best donations based on your blood type:
- O Positive/Negative- Whole Blood, ALYX
- A Positive- Whole Blood, ALYX, Platelets
- A Negative- Whole Blood, Platelets
- B Positive/Negative- Whole Blood, Platelets
- AB Positive/Negative- Platelets, Plasma
- Ask about our AB Donor Program!
You must donate between January 1st and December 31st. Qualifying Super Donor appointments reset after the new year. If you donate more than four times in one year but donate different types of blood products each time that do not add up to one of the totals above, contact us. You can track your appointments through your account, available through your web browser or our app. Search MEDIC Regional Blood Center on the App Store or Google Play to download.